PENGARUH PELATIHAN, KOMPETENSI, DAN KOMITMEN TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus pada Medical Representative PT. Tropica Mas Pharmaceutical)

  • Galih Nurul Pamungkas STIE EKUITAS
  • Yudi Wahyudin Suwandi STIE EKUITAS
Keywords: Competence And Commitment, Employee Performance, Training


This research aims to know the influence Of Training, Competence And Commitment To Employee Performance. There are four variables in this study i.e. Training, Competence And Commitment As the independent variable and the dependent variable is the Employee Performance As.

The research was conducted using a quantitative verification method, whereas the population in this research is the employees in Medical Reprecentative PT. Tropica Mas Pharmaceutical. The sample in this research are 160 Medical Reprecentative PT. Tropica Mas Pharmaceutical. The data used in this research were obtained by means of dissemination of the questionnaire and the study of librarianship. Data analysis in this study uses the path analysis, analysis of determination as well as the research hypothesis test using the-t and-F

The results showed that Training, Competence And Commitment have a strong influence on Employee Performance. Simultaneously shows that Training, Competence And Commitment have influence of 70.5% and the remaining is explained by other factors are not examined.


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