• Dani Ramdani


The national economic growth in recent years tends to slow down which affects the decline in tax revenues and also has reduced the availability of domestic liquidity that is indispensable to boost Indonesia's economic growth. On the other hand, many Indonesian citizens' asset is placed outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, in the form of liquid and non-liquid that should be utilized to increase domestic liquidity which can stimulate national economic. Tax is the main source for the State of Indonesia, to fund the State Budget (APBN). More than 75% of the source of state income from taxes, the rest is from customs and excise, non-tax receipts and grants. This study aims to determine the taxpayer’s perception about the tax amnesty to compliance of the individual taxpayer. The nature of this research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The method of analysis in this research is to use simple regression. Results from this study is the perception taxpayer positive effect on tax compliance. Based on the test results, the obtained value of t arithmetic amounted to 5.923 higher than the t value with a significance value of 0.000, thus Ha supported. Keywords: Tax Amnesty; Taxpayer Compliance


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