of Banking & Management2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Mohamad Hadi Journal Systems<p>Journal of Banking & Management (JBM)</p> <p>Merupakan publikasi kumpulan artikel ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Magister Manajemen STIE EKUITAS. Artikel ilmiah yang diterbitkan pada JBM ini meliputi hasil penelitian di bidang ilmu Manajemen, meliputi Keuangan, Perbankan, Pemasaran, SDM, Operasi dan kewirausahaan ekonomi kreatif. yang belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya. JBM terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Februari dan Agustus.</p> <p>ISSN: 2527-5135</p> PENGEMBANGAN KARIR DAN STRES KERJA SERTA DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP TURNOVER INTENTION KARYAWAN PADA BANK BJB KANTOR CABANG UTAMA2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Iqbal FirdausLebaldaus11@yahoo.comDicky<p>Human resources are important in a company. But managing human resources to make it the most valuable asset for the company is not easy. There are problems in managing human resources found in practice, one of which is related to turnover or the rate of entry and exit of employees in the company. The high employee turnover needs to be anticipated by paying more attention to turnover intention. There are factors that influence this, namely employees want to have a better career and stress at work. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of career development and work stress and their impact on turnover intention. The research method uses descriptive and verification, data collection techniques use primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. The research sample is 100 respondents, the sampling method uses non-probability sampling. The results showed that descriptively career development was classified as lacking, work stress was classified as very high, and turnover intention was classified as high. As for verification, it shows that career development and work stress have a significant effect on turnover intention at Bank BJB Main Branch Offices of 65.6%, and the rest are influenced by other factors not examined in this study.</p>2022-12-16T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE QUALITY OF PRODUCTS PRODUCED BY SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN BANDUNG REGENCY2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Mangandang Naibahowahabs_den@yahoo.comDeden A.<p>SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise) is one of many other things that drive Indonesian economy. Up to now, the activities of SMEs in Bandung District have increased. There are some problems that arise such as ineffective marketing resulted from lack of promotion, poor product quality due to capacity and human resource skill issues. This research is aimed to analyze the impact of knowledge management and innovation on productivity and its implication on product quality produced by SMEs in Bandung district. The method of this research is descriptive verificative with survey approach. The result of hypothesis testing shows that knowledge management has significant impact on productivity with total impact 19.90%. The total percentage consists of direct impact 9.12% and indirect impact 10.78%. Innovation has significant impact on productivity with total percentage 29.96% consisting of direct impact 19.18% and indirect impact 10.78%. The impact of productivity is significant on product quality produced by UMKM in Bandung District, and its percentage is 30.67%.</p>2022-12-16T06:43:14+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KOMPETENSI DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI AL-AMIN MEDICAL CENTER CIAMIS2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Asti Efrilliaastyeffrillia@gmail.comNeneng<p>This study aims to obtain data on how the conditions of Competence, Motivation and Performance of Employees at Al'Amin Medical Center Ciamis, how much influence Competence has on Employee Performance at Al'Amin Medical Center Ciamis, how much influence of Motivation on Employee Performance at Al'Amin Medical Center Ciamis, how big is the influence of Competence, Motivation and Employee Performance at Al'Amin Medical Center Ciamis. The research method used is descriptive and verification methods. The subjects of this study were all employees of Al-Amin Medical Center Ciamis and the objects were Competence, Work Motivation and Employee Performance. The population of this study amounted to 70 employees. Data collected by questionnaires, document recording and direct interviews Employee. The results obtained in this study are employee perceptions of competence, work motivation and employee performance at Al-Amin Medical Center Ciamis is Competence has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at Al-Amin Medical Center Ciamis partially by 39.4% because there are still employees with high school education (SMA) while Diploma and Bachelor degrees have not been given additional knowledge, special skills for the employee.Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Al-Amin Medical Center Ciamis partially by 40.6%. This is because the Al-Amin Medical Center Clinic has never held an HR development program to promote productivity to increase the potential, skills, and dedication of employees which has a good impact on the Ciamis Al-Amin Medical Center Clinic. Competence and Work Motivation have a significant influence on employee performance at Al- Amin Medical Center Ciamis simultaneously by 80%, that is, with the competencies possessed by Al-Amin Medical Center Ciamis employees increasing, the work motivation of employees will increase so that it is expected to improve performance employee.</p>2022-12-16T06:44:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KOMPETENSI, LINGKUNGAN KERJA DAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus pada Klinik Utama di Bandung)2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Windi Astutiwindi@mutiaracitra.comYudi Wahyudin<p>This research aims to determine the effect of competence, work environment and motivation on employee performance. There are three variables in this study, namely Competence, Work Environment and Motivation as independent variables and employee performance as the dependent variable. This research was conducted with descriptive verification method, the population used were all employees of Utama Clinic in Bandung, while the sample in this study found 105 employees of Main Clinic in Bandung. The data used in this study were obtained by distributing questionnaires. Analysis of the data in this study using the method of Multiple Regression Analysis, analysis of determination and research hypotheses using t-test and F-test. The results of the research descriptively explain that the variables of competence, work environment, motivation and employee performance are in the fairly good category but there are indicators whose assessments are still low in each. The results showed that competence, work environment and motivation had a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Simultaneously shows that competence, work environment and motivation have an influence of 81,9% and the rest is explained by other factors not examined.</p>2022-12-16T06:44:55+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MOTIVASI, BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN KOMPENSASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA KANTOR BADAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DAN ASET PEMKOT BANDUNG2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Muchlis MuchlisHmuchlis17@yahoo.comYudi Wahyudin<p>This study aims to determine and explain the influence of Motivation, Organizational Culture and Compensation on the performance of the employees of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Bandung City. The variables used in this study are Motivation, Organizational Culture and Compensation on the performance of Office employees. Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Bandung. The population in this study were all employees in the Office of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Bandung. Samples were taken as many as 106 respondents. Testing the hypothesis using multiple regression analysis and t test and F test. The results showed that motivation, organizational culture and compensation had a significant or partial effect on employee performance. This study has limitations including the limited object of research and it is hoped that future research can test different research objects. Keywords: Motivation, Organizational Culture and Compensation on employee performance.</p>2022-12-16T06:45:34+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MOTIVASI KERJA DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus pada bank bjb Cabang Balaraja Tangerang)2022-12-16T06:52:19+00:00Madaniah Madaniahniamadali@yahoo.comDeddy Rusyandiderusy@gmail.comNeneng<p>This research activity is to trying several factor which teoriticaly has the same influence towards performance of employee (Y) such as job motivation (X_1) and job satisfaction (X_2). The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze partially and simultaneously. The sample in this study was a saturated sample of 112 employees. The research method uses descriptive methods and verification methods with a quantitative approach. The analysis uses path analysis and multiple linear regression. Based on the results of research for work motivation included in the criteria "Enough / moderate". Job satisfaction is included in the criteria for the category of quite satisfied. The employee performance of Bank bjb Balaraja Branch is in the high category. The results show that work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance by 41.76%, job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance by 38.29%, work motivation and job satisfaction together have a positive and significant effect of 80.5% on employee performance. at bank bjb Balaraja branch.</p>2022-12-16T06:47:14+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##