Banking and Management Review <p><strong>Banking and Management Review</strong>&nbsp;is a periodic scientific journal which contains articles resulting from research and studies from researchers and practitioners in the fields of Risk Management and Banking (Financial Management, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Resource Management Human, Conventional Banking, and Sharia Banking).</p> <p>All articles in BMR are tested for quality through a review process involving academics and practitioners from various leading institutions. The articles we publish are articles that are in accordance with the theme of our journal, the writing guidelines that have been established, and have never been published in journals or proceedings, either nationally or internationally.</p> <p><strong>Title :</strong> Banking and Management Review (BMR)<br><strong>Publications :</strong>&nbsp;2 times each year, May and November<br><strong>ISSN :</strong>&nbsp;<a href="">2252-8520</a>&nbsp;(Print)<br><strong>ISSN :</strong>&nbsp;<a href="">2828-4313</a>&nbsp;(Online)<br><strong>Publisher :</strong>&nbsp;<a href="">P3M STIE Ekuitas</a></p> STIE Ekuitas en-US Banking and Management Review 2252-8520 The Analysis of Instagram Ads Strategy, Brand Awareness and its Impact on Purchasing Decision of Wardah Facial Wash (Case Study in the Community of Kelurahan Cikutra) <p><strong>Introduction/Main Objectives:</strong>&nbsp;This study examines the influence of Instagram ads and Brand Awareness on the Purchasing Decision of Wardah Facial Wash Purchasing Decisions. <strong>Background Problems: </strong>The increasingly stringent market developments in the beauty and skin care motivated this research. Cosmetic company is required to have an accurate strategy in retaining its customers, looking for new potential customers, which of course increases sales volume. <strong>Research Methods:</strong>&nbsp;The research method used is descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach, collecting data by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. Statistical analysis instruments used validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, path analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, and coefficient of determination. <strong>Finding/Results:</strong>&nbsp;The result is that there is an influence between Instagram ads on purchasing decisions through the Brand Awareness variable as an intervening variable. Consumer Purchase Decision is included in the "Good" category. <strong>Conclusion:</strong>&nbsp;The coefficient of determination of the effect of Instagram ads on purchasing decision is 46.5%. The study also concludes that the promotion has the greatest influence on Consumer’s Purchasing Decisions.</p> Alma Maulida Nabil Mohamad Hadi Prasetyo, Mr. ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-13 2023-11-13 12 1 1 17 10.52250/bmr.v12i1.731 The Quality Control Analysis Using Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Methods in Reducing Defective Muslim Clothing Products on CV. Mawaheejra <p><strong>Introduction/Main Objectives:</strong> This study determines the quality control of CV. Mawaheejra, determine the factors causing product defects and the application of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods. <strong>Background Problems:</strong> CV. Mawaheejra has carried out control but the quality control is not optimal because of poor quality and errors often occur in the production process which causes product defects that not comply with the quality standards. <strong>Research Methods:</strong> This study uses a quantitative method. It carried data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature studies. Data analysis using Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods of flowcharts, check sheets, Pareto charts, control charts, and fishbone diagrams. <strong>Finding/Results:</strong> Based on the results of research with check sheet aids found four types of defects. In the Pareto chart found the highest number of product disability percentage of 38.47%. From the control chart result, it found deviations because of the U control chart there are three points that exceed UCL and two points that exceed LCL. From the fishbone diagram, there are five factors that are most prominently caused by human and machine factors. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the results of the analysis, the company must conduct supervision of employees and machine maintenance to reduce product defects.</p> Jihan Salma Resi Juariah Susanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 12 1 18 28 10.52250/bmr.v12i1.732 Application of Beneish M-Score to Detech Fraudulent Financial Statements in State-Owned Company in Indonesia <p><strong>Introduction/Main Objectives:</strong> This study aims to determine which State-Owned Company are included in the manipulator, non-manipulator, and gray company groups. <strong>Background Problems:</strong> According to a study conducted in 2016 by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the majority Fraud cases involved 81.2% of government agencies, 8.1% of State-Owned Enterprises, and 2.3% of private companies. The businesses designated by of State-Owned Company caused the most losses to the industrial sector due to fraud at 58.8%. <strong>Research Methods:</strong> This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. The objects in this study are State-Owned Company companies in Indonesia in 2018-2021. The research sample used a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using seven types of financial ratios contained in the Beneish M-score method. <strong>Finding/Results:</strong> The results showed that in 2018 there was 1 company that was included in the manipulator group, 22 companies were included in the non-manipulator group, and no company was included in the gray company group in 2018. Then in 2019 there were 3 companies that were included in the manipulator group, 17 companies are included in the non-manipulator group, and 3 companies are included in the gray company group. In 2020 there were 5 companies included in the manipulator, 16 non-manipulator companies, 2 companies included in the gray company group. And in the last year, namely 2021, there will be 1 company that is included in the manipulator group, 22 non-manipulator companies, and no company that is included in the gray company group in 2021.</p> Latifa Putri Andani Gatot Iwan Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 12 1 29 47 10.52250/bmr.v12i1.733 The Analysis of Raw Material Control using the Economic Order of Quantity (EOQ) Method in Teng-teng Mulyati Home Industry <p><strong>Introduction/Main Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this study was to analyze raw material inventory control with Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method for helping the company to control the inventory of raw material by looking for how much raw material the rice must be ordered so that the company does not experience shortages and advantages in its raw materials, so the inventory in the company is optimal. <strong>Finding/Results:</strong> The result showed that Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the appreciate and can optimize the supply of special vehicle raw material in home industry Teng-teng Mulyati compared with the existing policies in the company, using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method the order quantity becomes 682 kg with 1 time the order frequency, Safety Stock 679,98 kg, Reorder Point 718,61 kg, Maximum Inventory 1.361,98 kg, so the Total Inventory Cost is Rp. 174.539,39. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This method can be a company reference in controlling the inventory of raw material and by using this method the company obtains cost savings between calculations based on company policy and the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method.</p> Tiara Rahma Virginia Deni Hamdani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 12 1 48 60 10.52250/bmr.v12i1.736 The Influence of Financial Literacy on Financial Management in Small & Medium Enterprises (Case Study on Coffee Shop Management in Bandung City Period 2020 – 2021) <p><strong>Introduction/Main Objectives:</strong> This study aims to determine how the development of financial literacy and management as well as to determine the effect of financial literacy on basic financial knowledge, savings and credit, investment and insurance on financial management at SMEs in the form of Coffee Shop in Bandung City. <strong>Background Problems:</strong> Financial literacy is a person's understanding or ability to measure financial concepts and has the ability to manage finances well. Financial literacy is very necessary for SMEs in managing their business finances. <strong>Research Methods:</strong> The method used is descriptive and verification analysis method with a quantitative approach. The technique of determining the sample using Nonprobability Sampling. <strong>Finding/Results:</strong> The results of the study found that literacy about basic financial knowledge has a significant effect on SME’s financial management, literacy about savings and credit has a significant effect on SME’s financial management, literacy about Investment has a significant effect on SME’s financial management and literacy about insurance also has a significant effect on SME’s financial management. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The more literate on financial knowledge, savings and credit, investment and insurance, the more SME’s financial management increase.</p> Rifa Keisha Novariani Fia Dialysa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 12 1 61 73 10.52250/bmr.v12i1.737 Business Development Analysis of Zenio Fusion Food by using Business Modal Canvas <p><strong>Introduction/Main Objectives:</strong> The development of the culinary business is one of the many service businesses that are growing rapidly. There are many kinds of culinary in each region and each has its own characteristics like other types of traditions in general, food can also be combined. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the business development strategy to solve Zenio Fusion Food's problems. <strong>Background Problems:</strong> Zenio Fusion Food is a company engaged in the culinary field that combining different culinary elements and traditions, however, Zenio Fusion Food's business has a weakness in the marketing process that is not optimal which results in its business implementation being ineffective and not grow. <strong>Research Methods:</strong> The analytical method used is a qualitative descriptive method using a SWOT Matrix with a Business Model Canvas (BMC) method approach on Channels, Value Propositions, and Key Resources elements. With data collection techniques of observation, interviews and questionnaires. <strong>Finding/Results:</strong> The strategy that must be carried out based on the use of the two methods of the TOWS Matrix and the Business Model Canvas (BMC) obtained a strategy that is the company must focus more on Key Resources and Value Propositions. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The strategy that must be carried out based is the company must focus more on marketing optimally by utilizing social media and implementing strategy determination on Key Resources elements such as physical assets and intellectual innovation of new recipes. As well as adding Value Propositions by adding menu variations that are more interesting and different from competitors.</p> Natasya Syahrany Zenio Mirza Hedismarlina Yuneline ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 12 1 74 88 10.52250/bmr.v12i1.738